

The Journal of the Egyptian Women Dermatologic Society "JEWDS” was founded by Prof. Dr.  Zenab El-Gothamy in 2004.The Journal of The Egyptian Women's Dermatologic Society (JEWDS)  is an international open access peer  reviewed journal. It is the official journal of the Egyptian Women's Dermatologic Society (EWDS). 

JEWDS aims to fill the knowledge gap in understanding the pathogenesis of dermatological diseases for better disease management by dermatologists around the world. JEWDS welcomes online submission from all the world.

JEWDS welcomes online submission from all the world. JEWDS encourages dermatological researchers to publish their valuable reviewed scientific work to be visible across the world through JEWDS website, OVID and SCOPUS. 

The Journal is well established and considered one of the top Egyptian Dermatologic Journal by the efforts of the vice president of EWDS Prof. Dr. Nayera Moftah.
